RETSCH’s philosophy is based on customer orientation and leading edge technology.
First class product quality thanks to advanced manufacturing methods, this is reflected in instruments whose high-quality components are designed for perfect interaction.
An expert guide to neutral-to-analysis size reductionand homogenization in the laboratory.
Taking a close look at quality: an expert guide to particle size analysis.
The determination and knowledge of the particle size distribution is an essential part of the quality control process for industrial products. Easy handling, low investment cost and high accuracy make sieve analysis one of the most frequently used procedures for measuring the particle size. This white paper gives an overview of the different sieving techniques and describes the necessary steps to ensure reliable results.
A solid sample material should always be sufficiently prepared by size reduction and homogenization before it is subjected to chemical or physical analysis. Care should be taken that the analysis sample fully represents the original material and that the sample preparation process is carried out reproducibly. Most sample materials can be reduced to the required analytical fineness at room temperature by choosing a mill with a suitable size reduction principle (impact, pressure, friction, shearing, cutting).
Modern analytical methods increase precision and push detection limits to make even the smallest traces of sample components detectable. Despite this development sample preparation, which is carried out prior to the actual analysis, is frequently neglected. Errors caused by lacking accuracy in sample preparation have a much bigger impact than errors made during analysis.
Biological samples exist in all shapes and sizes: hard bones, tough and fibrous plants, tough and viscous sputum, soft muscles, tumor or liver tissue. Not to mention the millions of cells such as yeast, bacteria or algae, which have to be disrupted for applications such as DNA or RNA isolation or protein extraction. Retsch offers a range of mills and grinders for easy and reproducible pulverization of solid sample materials some of which are also suitable for cell disruption and homogenization of biological sample materials.
Food occurs in a great variety of consistencies and is often inhomogeneous. Food testing labs require representative samples to produce meaningful and reproducible analysis results. Therefore, food samples must be homogenized and pulverized to the required analytical fineness, ideally with as little time and effort as possible.
How are nano particles produced? The “Bottom-Up” method synthesizes particles from atoms or molecules. The “Top-Down” method involves reducing the size of larger particles to nanoscale, for example with laboratory mills. Nano particles are produced by colloidal grinding which involves dispersion of the particles in liquid to neutralize the surface charges. Factors such as energy input and size reduction principle make ball mills the best choice for the production of nanoparticles.
Nothing matches the performance of the original! RETSCH's Ultra Centrifugal Mills set standards in sample homogenization with more than 20,000 installations world-wide. The outstanding performance, flexibility, user-friendliness and robustness of this highspeed rotor mill make it the undisputed leader in its class.
La filosofía de RETSCH se basa en la orientación al cliente y en la tecnología punta. Esto se refleja en instrumentos cuyos componentes de alta calidad están diseñados para una perfecta interacción. Los productos RETSCH no sólo garantizan resultados representativos y reproducibles en la molienda y el análisis de partículas, sino que también permiten un manejo fácil y cómodo.