Soluciones para bioprocesamiento
de Thermo Scientific
Calidad sin compromisos.
Categorías principales

Plásticos para cultivo de células adherentes

Soluciones de transferencia de fluidos

Suplementos probados para bioproducción

Productos químicos de producción y líquidos de proceso
Recursos relacionados
Single Use Product and Capabilities
Browse a comprehensive portfolio of single-use items for bioprocessing, including containers, films, and more.
- Single Use Product and Capabilities (21.1 MB)
Open-Top Tank Liners and Outer Support Containers Brochure
Learn how the Thermo Scientific™ and Nalgene™ portfolios can accommodate a range of functionalities and process liquid volumes.
Standard Fluid Transfer Assemblies Brochure
Find fluid transfer assemblies that come ready to use, helping you reduce product supply cost and lead times.
Nalgene Containers Data Sheet
Shop containers that meet the needs of your workflow, including those made from PETG, PC, and HDPE.
- Nalgene Containers Data Sheet (724.3 KB)
2D Labtainer BioProcess Container Data Sheet
Read how this bioprocessing container can help effectively address your small-volume liquid handling needs.
Labtainer Pro BioProcess Container Data Sheet
Discover improved performance, reliability, and higher quality assurance with this innovative bioprocessing container.
Labtainer BioProcess Container Data Sheet
Learn more about the design, function, and reliability of this container, including specific product details.
Standard Single-Use Bottle Assembly Systems Data Sheet
Read about our easy-to-order, preconfigured fluid transfer systems that can help reduce costs and mitigate risk.

Calidad sin compromiso
Desde el descubrimiento inicial hasta la producción comercial a gran escala, la cartera de soluciones probadas de Thermo Scientific aporta intensificación de procesos a sus flujos de trabajo sin comprometer la calidad. Con las soluciones adecuadas para lograr resultados óptimos en bioprocesamiento, pueden ayudarle a adelantarse a las necesidades futuras. Ese es el compromiso de Thermo Scientific con usted: impulsar el rendimiento a través de la colaboración.