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Perclorato de bario trihidrato, +99 %

Catalog Number 15463157
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100 g
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This Thermo Scientific brand product was originally part of the Alfa Aesar product portfolio. Some documentation and label information may refer to the legacy brand. The original Alfa Aesar product / item code or SKU reference has not changed as a part of the brand transition to Thermo Scientific.

Nombre del producto químico o material Barium perchlorate trihydrate
CAS 10294-39-0
Cantidad 100 g
Fórmula molecular BaCl2H6O11
Número MDL MFCD00149148
Número UN UN1447
Índice Merck 14,987
Sinónimo barium perchlorate trihydrate, barium perchlorate trihydrate, reagent grade, ba.2clo4.3h2o, acmc-1bt65, barium perchlorate-water 1/2/3, barium 2+ trihydrate diperchlorate
SMILES O.O.O.[O-]Cl(=O)(=O)=O.[O-]Cl(=O)(=O)=O.[Ba+2]
Nombre IUPAC bario(2+);diperclorato;trihidrato
Peso molecular (g/mol) 390.264
PubChem CID 53249218
Formula Weight (peso de la fórmula) 390.29 (336.24 Anhydrous)
Porcentaje de pureza ≥99%
Olor Odorless
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