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Invitrogen™ MEGAscript™ SP6 Transcription Kit

La sintetización es de 10 a 50 veces superior a la cantidad de ARN producida por las reacciones de transcripción convencionales.

Marca:  Invitrogen™ AM1330M

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Código de producto. 10418644

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Novel transcription reaction conditions and Ambion's patented, high-yield technology allow the synthesis of 10 to 50 times the amount of RNA produced by conventional transcription reactions. Each Ambion kit includes sufficient reagents for 40 reactions.

  • Exclusive, ultrahigh yield technology is fast: 2 hour reaction time
  • Amplifies aRNA for gene array analysis and other applications
  • Efficiently incorporates many modified nucleotides
  • A typical 20μL MEGAscript reaction with 1μg of the pTRI-Xef-1α control template will yield over 100μg of transcript
  • Versatility of the MEGAscript kit allows for manipulation of the reactions to include specialized reagents such as modified nucleotides, cap analog, or additional polymerase
  • Accessory Products:
  • MessageAmp™ aRNA Amplification Kits are powered by MEGAscript technology and have been developed especially for the amplification of cRNA prior to array analysis. To purify in vitro transcription products from free nucleotides, buffer components, and enzymes, use MEGAclear™ Kit (Mfr. No. AM1908) and the MEGAclear-96 Kit (Mfr. No. AM1909).


SP6 Enzyme Mix, 10X Reaction Buffer, ATP Solution, CTP Solution, GTP Solution, UTP Solution, pTRI-Xef, TURBO DNase, Ammonium Acetate Stop Solution, Lithium Chloride Precipitation Solution, and Gel Loading Buffer II are all stored at -20°C. Nuclease-free Water may be stored at any temperature.
SP6 Enzyme Mix, 10X Reaction Buffer, ATP Solution, CTP Solution, GTP Solution, UTP Solution, pTRI-Xef, TURBO DNase, Ammonium Acetate Stop Solution, Lithium Chloride Precipitation Solution, Gel Loading Buffer II, and Nuclease-free Water
Kit with manual
Gene Expression Analysis and Genotyping, in vitro Transcription
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