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Applied Biosystems™ TaqMan™ Copy Number Reference Assay, mouse, Tfrc

Mouse TaqMan™ Copy Number Reference Assays are run with predesigned, Custom Plus, and Custom TaqMan™ Copy Number Assays in a duplex, real-time PCR reaction to detect and measure copy number variations in the mouse genome.

189.00€ - 540.00€


Método de detección Sonda de cebado
Formato Tubo
Método de PCR qPCR
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Productos 2
Código de producto Marca N.º de reacciones Precio Cantidad y disponibilidad  
Código de producto Marca N.º de reacciones Precio Cantidad y disponibilidad  
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Applied Biosystems™
3000 reacciones
750 microlitros
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Applied Biosystems™
750 reacciones
750 reacciones
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Mouse TaqMan® Copy Number Reference Assays are run with predesigned, Custom Plus, and Custom TaqMan® Copy Number Assays in a duplex, real-time PCR reaction to detect and measure copy number variations in the mouse genome. Mouse TaqMan® Copy Number Reference Assays are also compatible with the common vector marker and reporter gene predesigned TaqMan® Copy Number Assays. Two options for genes that can be used as endogenous reference genes in mice are offered: Tfrc and Tert. TaqMan® Copy Number Reference Assays are designed to unique genomic sequences in the mouse reference genome assembly (NCBI Build 37/mm9) and are required for relative quantitation of copy number targets.

TaqMan® Copy Number Assays quantitate the gene of interest and normalize to an endogenous reference gene known to be present in two copies in a diploid genome. Please note that TaqMan® Copy Number Reference Assays are species-specific.

Tfrc: The Standard Reference Gene Option
TaqMan® Copy Number Reference Assays have a VIC® dye-labeled TAMRA™ probe and reference sequence-specific forward and reverse primers. The assays are not primer limited.

TaqMan® Copy Number Reference Assay, Mouse, Tfrc is recommended as the standard reference assay for copy number analysis in mice. This assay detects the transferrin receptor gene (Tfrc) on chromosome 16, cytoband 16qB3. The assay location is chr.16:32626732 on NCBI build 37. It has a 91 bp amplicon that maps within exon 17 of the Tfrc gene.

TaqMan® Copy Number Reference Assay, Mouse, Tert is an alternative reference assay; it is recommended in the event that the Tfrc assay functions poorly with a sample because of chromosomal aberrations or other issues. The assay targets the telomerase reverse transcriptase (Tert) gene on chromosome 13, cytoband 13qC1. The assay location is chr.13:73778992 on NCBI build 37. It has a 96 bp amplicon that maps within intron 8 of the Tert gene.

Simplest Workflow Available
TaqMan® Copy Number Assays have the simplest workflow of all currently available CNV analysis methods. The test assay (FAM™ dye labeled), the reference assay (VIC® dye labeled), your sample DNA, and TaqMan® Master Mix are combined and then run on an Applied Biosystems® Real-Time PCR System using the standard TaqMan® Copy Number Assay protocol. On average, set-up to primary analysis takes only 3-4 hours (including an approximately 2 hour PCR run).

Powerful Data Analysis Software
CopyCaller® Software was developed specifically for TaqMan® Copy Number Assay data analysis. This free, easy-to-use software utilizes a graphical interface that quickly calculates the possible copy numbers for a set of samples in a run. It also gives a confidence value for each copy number call, and has outlier functionality.

For Research Use Only. Not for human or animal therapeutic or diagnostic use.



Sonda de cebado


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For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

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