Dispositivos diseñados para controlar la calidad del aire interior; con capacidad para medir parámetros como O2, compuestos orgánicos volátiles, gases inertes (N2, CO2, He y Ar), temperatura y humedad; con alarmas y pantallas digitales.
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The CO2 monitor AIRCO2NTROL UP Dual Beam measures the CO2 concentration in rooms. Its large display shows the CO2 content of your room air, the temperature and humidity, as well as an extended traffic light indication. Additionally, it stores the maximum and minimum values of the last 24 hours.
The CO2 Monitor AIRCO2NTROL COACH shows the current CO2 content of the room air, the temperature, humidity, and the time. Depending on the settings, it displays the current CO2 readings through the traffic light colours. The graph clearly shows the CO2 levels development of the last 24 hours.
The CO2 Monitor AIRCO2NTROL UP Single Beam measures the CO2 concentration in rooms. Its large display shows the CO2 content of your room air, the temperature and humidity, as well as an extended traffic light indication. Additionally, it stores the maximum and minimum values.