Simplifique y optimice los métodos de extracción y purificación de ácidos nucleicos, proteínas y otras biomoléculas con la amplia gama de equipos para preparación de muestras, consumibles y reactivos de Thermo Fisher Scientific. Ya sea que necesite tubos, microplacas o instrumentos para la manipulación de líquidos para el procesamiento de muestras, o equipos para la extracción o separación de disolventes, disponemos de todo lo que necesita para la preparación de muestras genómicas en nuestro catálogo.
APPLICATION NOTE: Thermo Scientific Nalgene Rapid-Flow™ filters
Culturing embryonic stem cells using media filtered with Thermo Scientific Nalgene Rapid-Flow PES filter units.
APPLICATION NOTE: Thermo Scientific™ ART™ tips
Maintaining Sample Integrity with Aerosol-blocking Tips
SMARTNOTES 1: Laminar Airflow products
Why is a dual blower system better than a single blower system?
- SMARTNOTES 1: Laminar Airflow products (461.7 KB)
SMARTNOTES 2: Laminar Airflow products
Why are airflow alarms an important consideration for Biological Safety Cabinets (BSCs)?
- SMARTNOTES 2: Laminar Airflow products (382.8 KB)
SMARTNOTES: Biological Safety Cabinets
Where is the highest risk of contamination in your biological safety cabinet (BSC): the HEPA filters or the airflow balance at the front opening?
- SMARTNOTES: Biological Safety Cabinets (1,022.6 KB)
SMARTNOTES: Electronic Pipetting Systems
Do the tip attachment and ejection force vary significantly among different adjustable tip spacing pipette brands?
- SMARTNOTES: Electronic Pipetting Systems (1,005.7 KB)
SMARTNOTES: Water purification systems
Why is UV intensity monitoring important for ultrapure water?
- SMARTNOTES: Water purification systems (313.4 KB)
Gibco Cell Culture Guidebook
Gibco cell culture reagents: Designed to deliver reproducibility and performance for results you can count on every day
- Gibco Cell Culture Guidebook (1 MB)
Gibco™ Essential 8 Media Brochure
A guide to help you to choose the Essential medium that's right for you.
- Gibco™ Essential 8 Media Brochure (8.7 MB)
Gibco™ Neurobiology Protocol Handbook
Gibco™ Neurobiology Protocol Handbook
Gibco™ One Shot FBS Brochure
Save time and avoid contamination with the One Shot FBS 50 mL bottle: an aliquot-free solution to minimize contamination and variability
- Gibco™ One Shot FBS Brochure (886.5 KB)
Gibco™ Pluripotent Stem Cell Guidebook
Pluripotent stem cell guidebook: Key products and services for PSC research
Gibco™ Sera Brochure
Gibco™ sera—For performance and consistency essential to successful cell culture
- Gibco™ Sera Brochure (2.3 MB)
Gibco™ StemFlex Media Brochure
NEW STEMFLEX MEDIUM: Enhanced flexibility and superior performance in today’s stem cell applications
- Gibco™ StemFlex Media Brochure (616.7 KB)
Thermo Scientific Barnstead GenPure Pro specifications
Thermo Scientific Barnstead GenPure Pro UV/UF ‐ TOC Type 1 Lab Water Purification System
Thermo Scientific Biological Safety Cabinets
Good for you, good for the environment. Upgrade your BSC today and save.
SMARTNOTES: Thermo Beads
Thermal beads look like a great alternative to water – am I wrong?
- SMARTNOTES: Thermo Beads (754.5 KB)