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Thermo Scientific™ Kits MicroTest™
Mantenga la viabilidad de los virus chlamydiae, micoplasma y ureaplasma durante el transporte y el almacenamiento a largo plazo con kits que incluyen medios e hisopos tradicionales.
Marca: Thermo Scientific™ R12550
Mantenga la viabilidad y los recuentos de organismos para los estudios de verificación, procedimientos de control de calidad y pruebas repetidas de virus, clamidia,micoplasma y ureaplasma con medios de calidad, útiles de recogida y transporte probados, y envases seguros y fiables.Los kits Thermo Scientific™ MicroTest™ vienen en cuatro formulaciones de medios e incluyen dos hisopos de poliéster de punta tradicional con eje de plástico y una bolsa con cierre de cremallera de 15,24 x 22,86 cm (6 x 9 pulg.) para un transporte seguro.
Designed for the collection, transportation, maintenance and long-term storage of viral specimens, chlamydiae, mycoplasma and urealasma, Thermo Scientific MicroTest products are top quality. From formulation to packaging, MicroTest products maintain the viability of organisms through freeze-thaw cycles while inhibiting antimicrobial contaminants and promoting safety.MicroTest™ M4™ contains gelatin, vancomycin, amphotericin B, and colistin for the transport of viruses, Chlamydiae, Ureaplasmas, and Mycoplasmas. MicroTest™ M4RT™ contains gelatin, gentamicin, and amphotericin B for the transport of viruses and Chlamydiae.
MicroTest™ M5™ contains vancomycin, amphotericin B, and colistin and protein stabilizers for the transport of viruses, Chlamydiae, Ureaplasmas, and Mycoplasmas.
MicroTest™ M6™ contains gelatin, vancomycin, amphotericin B, and colistin for the transport of viruses, Chlamydiae, Ureaplasmas, and Mycoplasmas.
MicroTest Kits come with 1.5mL or 3mL of liquid medium in a 15mL conical tube with 3 glass beads, an envelope with two plastic shaft, traditional-tipped polyester swabs, and a 6 x 9 in. zip-seal bag.
Keep your lab moving in the right direction with a dependable set of solutions for transport, holding, maintenance and long-term culture storage with the MicroTest family of collection and transport media.
Trusted reliable results
- Stringent quality control, including cellular toxicity on each lot number
- Patented formulations with stabilizing proteins, buffers, and specific antibiotics
- Provides compatible transport for cell culture, enzyme immunoassays, and molecular diagnostic tests
- Maintains organism viability and counts for better, more reliable results during validation/verification studies, quality control procedures, and repeat testing
- 1.5mL and 3.0mL fill volumes allow multiple tests from one specimen
- Individual transport media tubes or complete kits offer flexibility and versatility
- Tough, break-resistant tubes with secure, color-coded screw caps prevent leaking and exposure to infectious agents
- Kits include leak-resistant polypropylene bag for safe sample transport
Not all products are available for sale in all territories. Please inquire.
Remel™ and Oxoid™ products are now part of the Thermo Scientific brand, combining powerful manual, semi-automated and fully automated test products and a comprehensive line of media and diagnostic products to offer a complete, end-to-end solution to quickly deliver the products you need and the quality results your laboratory depends on.

M4 Tube Kit | |
Aplicador único | |
Cultivo, vial Shell, ciclos de descongelación, mantenimiento de cultivo, ELISA, PCR, tecnología de sonda de ADN | |
Virus: Clamidias, ureaplasmas y micoplasmas | |
Plástico | |
Tradicional |
Tubo | |
Azul | |
M4 Kit | |
100 kits/paq. | |
De -25 °C o de 2 °C a 8 °C | |
3 mL |
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